Category Archives: .ocean

DAY TRIP: New Years Creek Trail…

… on Año Nuevo Point Trail… back from the beach… elephant seals with reservation… bird symphony… rainy mushrooms… beauty!

Posted in .Año_Nuevo, .birds, .elephant_seal, .mushroom, .nature, .ocean | Leave a comment

ASILOMAR: Then & Now

A foggy weekend… canvas for blossoms… memories blooming for five years… feels like forever… a happy place for the soul…. citinerary to be continued…

Posted in .Asilomar_Beach, .flowers, .ocean, .plants, 2021.09.Asilomar | Tagged , , | Leave a comment


Summer ending in fires… many fires… sunset on the go… starry cool night… Blue Sky Saturday tunnel hike… turkeys in the forest… blue ocean views… calm meadow time Meadow hike… beautiful ocean views… clean air… uphill surprise… airstrip history Blackberries… … Continue reading

Posted in .beach, .birds, .geology, .mountains, .nature, .ocean, .photo, .postcard, .redwood, .Sea_Ranch, .tide_pools, 2020.09.Sea_Ranch, wildflowers | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


0. [9/4]Fri: Bay Area to Sea Ranch – BLUE SKY Hoping for no fires & no traffic… 1. [9/5]Sat: Hiking Day – If it’s Thursday, I’m probably hiking. GEOLOGIC TRIPS: San Andreas Interpretative Trail . pdf San Andreas Fault Interpretive … Continue reading

Posted in .architecture, .beach, .nature, .ocean, .Sea_Ranch, 2020.09.Sea_Ranch | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

SANTA CRUZ: Magic Monterey Bay

When the Valley is hot… we find the magic of Santa Cruz… a beautiful California day!

Posted in .environment, .free, .ocean, .Santa_Cruz | Tagged , , | Leave a comment