Surprising Sunday: International Cottages

First real day in San Diego happened to be Father’s Day, so we thought to have a fresh start at La Jolla Open Aire Farmers Market on our way to Balboa Park where we wanted to spend the day.

P1030674La Jolla Market is a small, nice and colorful market, tucked inside a school playground, just around the corner from more expensive shops, like Maserati & Ferrari… We grabbed only some yummy empanadas and continued to Balboa Park for an open aire picnic.

P1030689Our first pick in Balboa Park, the Marie Hitchcock Puppet Theatre, turned out to be the best choice for Father’s Day. On the way to see the Monsters Under the Bed we had a very nice and international surprise, Sunday is the day when the International Cottages are open to the public! We visited many cottages and tasted lots of yummy treats from around the world, and got inspired for the school International Fair too!

nikigatorMingei International Museum was only a natural choice after that, especially since it was the celebration of its 35th Anniversary!

After picking some yummy sausages from the Linkery we head to La Jolla Shores for a playful picnic at the beach. Holyday, sweet holiday…

View SAN DIEGO: Sunday Itinerary in a larger map

Balboa Park: Journey around the World in Balboa Park’s charming cottages


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