Category Archives: Salvador Dali

1. BARCELONA: Art Surprise!

While uploading pictures I notice a bit of a pattern… we went to London 2 years in a row (2015, 2016) and Barcelona next 2 years (2016, 2017)… and while it happened more by chance than by design… though our … Continue reading

Posted in .2017.06-07.Spain-Ro, .7_Portes, .BARCELONA, .Barri_Gòtic, .Ciutat_Vella, .El_Born, .history, .medieval, .restaurant, Joan Miró, Picasso, Salvador Dali | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

BARCELONA underground – FIGUERES highlights

Back to Passeig de Gràcia railway station, right in time for an express train to Dali‘s Figueres. We even had time for a short visit to Casa Amatller‘s kitchen and for a snack. Only that the underground cafe clock had … Continue reading

Posted in .BARCELONA, .Casa_Amatller, .CATALONIA, .Dali_Theatre_Museum, .Figueres, 2009.05-06.LON.IL.RO.BCN, Salvador Dali | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

ISRAEL: To Life!

Last day in Israel, we said goodbye to hospitable Caesarea, stopped at Ralli Museum for a short introduction to Dali‘s works, and found an eclectic exhibit to accompany Ceasarea‘s own archaeological artifacts too. Went up to Haifa, checked out the … Continue reading

Posted in .burekas, .Caesarea, .flight, .Haifa, .ISRAEL, .Mada_Tech, .Ralli_Museum, .TLV, 2009.05-06.LON.IL.RO.BCN, Salvador Dali | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment