BARCELONA underground – FIGUERES highlights

IMG_3433Back to Passeig de Gràcia railway station, right in time for an express train to Dali‘s Figueres. We even had time for a short visit to Casa Amatller‘s kitchen and for a snack. Only that the underground cafe clock had the wrong time, so we didn’t understand why our express train was just leaving the station… another missed train, ouch!

After almost a underground hour wait we are on our train trip to Figueres and everything went fine from here. Well, almost, the train back just had an hour delay, so another wait for a train turned into relaxing time.

IMG_3466Train details apart, we were only sorry we had such little time in Figueres, since it’s a very nice and walkable town. We walked straight to Dali’s Theatre-Museum and that was a nice and playful stroll, had a yummy snack at a pastry shop, discovered the Toy Museum of Catalonia but didn’t have the time to visit so adding it to the wish list, and closed the Dali itinerary of this trip at the largest surrealistic object in the world.

More online itineraries for exploring Figueres, extending the visit at the Virtual Museum and enhancing the persistence of memory.

C I T I N E R A R I E S | Barcelona

Toy Museum of Catalonia

This entry was posted in .BARCELONA, .Casa_Amatller, .CATALONIA, .Dali_Theatre_Museum, .Figueres, 2009.05-06.LON.IL.RO.BCN, Salvador Dali and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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